Teeth bonding (also known as dental bonding) is a process where a natural-looking white resin is applied to a tooth, shaped and then hardened for repair or discolouration.
Very fast procedure (can be done the same-day)
Preserve tooth structure (non-invasive vs crown or veneer)
Looks very natural (resin chosen to match your natural teeth)
Relatively inexpensive (compared to other cosmetic services)
Not as durable as some alternatives (i.e. compared to veneers)
Bonding only covers a portion of the tooth (usually the front)
You and your dentist pick a shade of resin that matches your teeth best
The tooth is prepared by roughening the surface for adhesion
An adhesive liquid is applied to allow the resin to bond better
The chosen resin is applied and molded to conform to the tooth
The resin is cured and hardened with a special light
The tooth is contoured and polished for a smooth appearance plus any additional final touches
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