What are bridges?

A dental bridge is multi-component accessory, usually consisting of an artificial tooth plus two crowns (one on either side). A bridge is used to replace missing teeth or a gap in the mouth. There are alternative forms of bridges using no crowns, one crown, and/or alternative frameworks. 


  • Doesn’t require surgery (unlike implants)

  • Relatively fast installation

  • Fixed (don’t require removal)


  • Putting crowns over healthy teeth (requires removal of some enamel)

  • Doesn’t address bone loss

  • Difficult to maintain (and keep clean)

What is the bridge process?

1. Create Plan

Patient and dentist decide on the bridge type and process

2. Prepare Teeth

Area in question, including adjacent teeth, are prepared for the bridge

3. Make Mold

A mold or impression of the teeth is taken for creation of the bridge

4. Create Bridge

The mold is sent to the lab to create a custom bridge

5. Fit Bridge

The dentist installs (cements) your custom bridge

6. Final Check

The bridge is checked for proper form and function

Some common questions:

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

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